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Wershler, Darren, Kalervo Sinervo, and Shannon Tien. "A Network Archaeology of Unauthorized Comic Book Scans." Amodern 2 2013. Accessed 14May. 2016. <>. 
Added by: joachim (5/14/16, 1:49 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/23/16, 12:55 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Wershler2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Archive, Digitalization, Distribution, Fandom
Creators: Sinervo, Tien, Wershler
Collection: Amodern
Views: 13/1030
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High-quality scanners, cheap storage media, open file formats, peer-to-peer networking and high-bandwidth home connections have all contributed to the unauthorized online availability of magazines and comic books. But what is a scholar to do when confronted with such objects? Is a set of digital comic book scans an “archive” in the traditional sense? How do we study the circulatory practices of comic book scanners when traces of their activities barely exist? And what are the ethics of studying objects that would not exist without copyright infringement, yet are unavailable in most libraries? This paper presents the initial findings of an ongoing research project into the production, circulation and consumption of unauthorized digital comic book scans.
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