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Pitkethly, Clare. "A Rubble of Fragments: Disintegration into Panels in Grant Morrison’s Comics." ImageTexT 8. 2 2015. Accessed 4Nov. 2015. <http://www.english.ufl. ... rchives/v8_2/pitkethly/>. 
Added by: joachim (11/4/15, 5:33 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (9/14/16, 2:16 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Pitkethly2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: Body, Character, Lacan. Jacques, Morrison. Grant, United Kingdom
Creators: Pitkethly
Collection: ImageTexT
Views: 10/1143
Attachments   URLs   http://www.english ... es/v8_2/pitkethly/
While the pages of a comic are divided by panels, there is a sense of unity when these panels can be assembled together to produce something whole. There is a potential in the comic, however, to destabilize this sense of unity, by producing an effect of disrupting their assemblage. This potential is one that can be seen in Grant Morrison’s comics, as the writer’s characters disintegrate into irreconcilable bits and pieces, by means of a particular use of comic book panels. In this paper, I will draw upon this dimension to the writer’s work to demonstrate the way in which this effect is produced. To provide a context for this disintegration, as it is evident in Morrison’s work, I will draw upon Jacques Lacan’s discussion of the illusory dimension to a sense of unity, as associated with an image of the body, and the potential for the collapse of such a unified image, via its decomposition into irreconcilable bits and pieces that cannot be assembled together to produce something whole. As characters are subject to repeated disintegration in Morrison’s comics, it is just as if there were no unified image by which to hold everything together, but only a rubble of irreconcilable parts.
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