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Barker, Cory, Chris Ryan, and Myc Wiatrowski, eds. Mapping Smallville: Critical Essays on the Series and Its Characters. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2014. 
Added by: joachim (9/7/15, 10:39 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-7864-9464-4
BibTeX citation key: Barker2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Superman", Adaptation, Collection of essays, Superhero, TV, USA
Creators: Barker, Ryan, Wiatrowski
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson, London)
Views: 55/1510
One of the first full-length academic projects on the television series Smallville, this collection of new essays explains why the WB/CW series is important to understanding contemporary popular culture. The essays are presented in four sections covering broad categories: Clark Kent’s metamorphosis to Superman and the influence of his parents and the home; the role of the series’ noteworthy female characters; the series’ representations of the Other, explorations of identity, and the ways in which characters speak to Clark’s own struggles; and audience reception of the series and its position within the Superman narrative universe.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (v)

Cory Barker, Chris Ryan and Myc Wiatrowski: Introduction (1)

Part One: Smallville’s ­Decade-Long Mythical Journey
Daniel P. Compora: Mythicizing Clark Kent: Archetypes and Mythic Structures of Smallville (13)
James F. Iaccino: The Smallville Destiny: The Superhero’s Shaping by His Archetypal Fathers (25)
Bridget Kies: “Always hold on to Smallville”: Domesticity and the Male Hero (45)

Part Two: Powerful Women
Valerie Estelle Frankel: Sidekicks or Heroines? The Feminist Successes and Failures of Smallville’s Leading Ladies (59)
Peter Melville: Another Way: Tess Mercer as Ethical Hero (83)
Tara K. Parmiter: Girl Friday Power: Chloe Sullivan and the Hacker Sidekicks of ­Twenty-First Century Teen Television (100)

Part Three: Bodies, Identities and Politics
Jonathan A. Austad: Rummaging Through the Closet: (Un)Masking the Signified Other in Smallville’s First Four Seasons (115)
Roger Almendarez: Kryptonian Encounters: Model Immigration and Superman’s Impossible Dream (132)
Daniel Kulle: Bodies as Unreliable Signifiers: The Inconsistency of Smallville’s Character Construction (145)

Part Four: Reception
Gregory Bray and John Patrick Bray: Finding Clark Kent: Sites of Nostalgia and Affect (161)
Cory Barker: “Chlark” Versus “Clois”: Shippers, ­Anti-Fans and ­Anti-Fan Fans (174)

Selected Bibliography (193)
About the Contributors (207)
Index (209)

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