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Frankel, Valerie Estelle. The Avengers Face Their Dark Sides: Mastering the Myth-Making behind the Marvel Superheroes. Sunnyvale: LitCrit, 2015. 
Added by: joachim (9/3/15, 2:26 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0692432457
BibTeX citation key: Frankel2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Avengers", Adaptation, Fandom, Film adaptation, Jung. Carl Gustav, Marvel, Myth, Superhero, USA
Creators: Frankel
Publisher: LitCrit (Sunnyvale)
Views: 23/1427
The Avengers franchise has slammed off the charts, with brave, clever characters embarking on amazing adventures. But what fuels their fire? Tony Stark’s obsession with fast cars and fast women conceals a deep quest for purpose. When he witnesses that his weapons have murdered innocent families, his heart literally shatters – he builds himself the new heart of a hero. Captain America’s weakness is weakness itself, as Steve Rogers transforms into an outer self that matches the inner, a change mirrored in the heart of every kid beaten up on the playground. Rage rules the Hulk, though it’s also his greatest strength when mastered. The Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Guardians of the Galaxy find family that complete them, while Daredevil reconciles his split, even contradictory personality. Each hero battles his dark side, appearing as Loki, Red Skull, Kingpin, and other subconscious shadows. Thus, the hero conquers his doubts and harnesses might beyond his gauntlets or guns … he becomes a superhero. With easter eggs, interviews, and comic history, there’s treats for all the Marvel fans.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Myth of Superheroes from Silver Age to Modern Age (9)

The MCU Films (17)
– Facing the Father: Iron Man (17)
– Battling the Shadow: Iron Man 2 (27)
– Discovering the Inner Child: Iron Man 3 (35)
– Loving the Monster: The Incredible Hulk (47)
– Embarking on the Hero’s Journey: Captain America (59)
– Finding One’s Home: Captain America Winter Soldier (67)
– Abandoning Ego: Thor (77)
– Breaching the Underworld: Thor: The Dark World (87)
– Forming the Team: The Avengers (97)
– Performing Persona: Black Widow and Hawkeye (107)
– Balancing the Anima: Guardians of the Galaxy (117)

The MCU Shows (127)
– Traversing the Heroine’s Journey: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (127)
– Assembling the Animus: Agent Carter (137)
– Reconciling the Spilt Self: Daredevil (143)

Easter Eggs (153)
– Iron Man (153)
– The Incredible Hulk (154)
– Captain America (157)
– Iron Man 2 (158)
– Thor (159)
– The Avengers (160)
– Iron Man 3 (163)
– Marvel One-Shots (164)
– Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (165)
– Thor: The Dark World (179)
– Captain America: The Winter Soldier (180)
– Guardians of the Galaxy (181)
– Agent Carter (184)
– Daredevil (186)

Conclusion (191)

Glossary (193)
Works Cited (197)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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