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Yuen, Wayne, ed. The Walking Dead and Philosophy: Zombie Apocalypse Now. Popular Culture and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 2012. 
Added by: joachim (8/12/15, 8:06 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0812697677
BibTeX citation key: Yuen2012
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Walking Dead", Adaptation, Adlard. Charlie, Collection of essays, Horror, Kirkman. Robert, Philosophy, TV, USA
Creators: Yuen
Publisher: Open Court (Chicago)
Views: 51/2472
“The Walking Dead” is both a hugely successful comics series and a popular TV show. This epic story of a zombie apocalypse is unique. It focuses on the long-term individual, social, and moral consequences of survival by small groups of humans in a world overrun by infected zombies. Guns, chainsaws, and machetes are not enough for survival: humans also need agreement on rules of conduct. Can equality or fairness have any polace in the post-apocalyptic world? Do theft or even assault and murder become okay under desperate circumstances? Who should be recognized as having political authority? What about eating human flesh? Should survivors have children?

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)
Spoilers Warning (xi)
Wayne Yuen: Philosophy for the Dead (xiii)

This Sorrowful Life (1)
1. Gordon Hawkes: Are You Just Braaaiiinnnsss Or Something More? (3)
2. Greg Littmann: Can You Survive A Walker Bite? (17)
3. Richard Greene: What Your Zombie Knows (29)
4. Robert Delfino and Kyle Taylor: Walking Contradictions (39)
5. Marty McKendry and Michael da Silva: I’m Gonna Tell Them about Wayne (53)

What We Become (65)
6. Dave Beisecker: A Stagger-on Role to Die For (67)
7. Jason Walker: What’s Yours Still Isn’t Mine (81)
8. Ashley Barkman: Women in a Zombie Apocalypse (97)
9. Danee Pye and Peter O’Sullivan: Dead Man’s Party (107)

Miles Behind (117)
10. Rachel Robison-Greene: Better Off Undead (119)
11. Si Sheppard: Realistically, Nice Guys Finish Last (129)
12. Brandon Kempner: The Optimism of The Walking Dead (141)
13. Julia Round: The Horror Of Humanity (155)
14. Stephen Brett Greeley: Monsters of Modernity (167)

The Heart’s Desire (177)
15. Jeffrey A. Hinzmann and Robert Arp: People for the Ethical Treatment of Zombies (PETZ) (179)
16. Franklin Allaire: The Only Good Walker Is a Dead Walker (195)
17. Adam Barkman: I Don’t Think Those Rules Apply Anymore (207)
18. Elizabeth Rard: Dead Ends (217)
19. Tauriq Moosa: Babes in Zombie Land (231)
20. Wayne Yuen: What’s Eating You? (243)

We Are The Walking Dead! (253)
Index (259)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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