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Pedri, Nancy. "Cartooning Ex-Posing Photography in Graphic Memoir." Literature & Aesthetics 22. 2 2012. Accessed 13Jul. 2015. < ... hp/LA/article/view/7619>. 
Added by: joachim (7/13/15, 10:31 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/9/20, 12:38 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Pedri2012
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Cancer Vixen", "Maus", "Mom’s Cancer", "One Hundred Demons", Authenticity, Autobiography, Barry. Lynda, Fies. Brian, Intermediality, Marchetto. Marisa Acocella, Photography, Spiegelman. Art, USA
Creators: Pedri
Collection: Literature & Aesthetics
Views: 7/1359
Attachments   URLs   openjournals.libra ... /article/view/7619
Fiction and memoir relate differently to reality. Whereas fiction is not bound by existing facts and events, memoir is a nonfiction genre that “depicts the lives of real, not imagined, individuals.” Like other forms of life writing, memoir sets out to communicate truthfully through self-representation an identity and a life. Indeed, memoir is said to “not accommodate the counterfactual.” Thus, memoir is bound not only by a claim, but also an obligation to truth that, in turn, is met by readers who turn to it with an eye for truth.
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