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Grennan, Simon and Laurence Grove, eds. Transforming Anthony Trollope: Dispossession, Victorianism and Nineteenth-Century Word and Image. Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, 2015. 
Added by: joachim (7/12/15, 5:53 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/9/20, 4:23 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9789462700413
BibTeX citation key: Grennan2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: Adaptation, Collection of essays, Literature
Creators: Grennan, Grove
Publisher: Leuven Univ. Press (Leuven)
Views: 29/1067
This volume is a cross-disciplinary collection of essays in the fields of nineteenth-century history, adaptation, word/image and Victorianism. Featuring new writing by some of the most influential, respected and radical scholars in these fields, Transforming Anthony Trollope constitutes both a close companion to Simon Grennan’s 2015 graphic novel Dispossession – an adaptation of Anthony Trollope’s 1879 novel John Caldigate – and a forward-looking, stand-alone addition to current debates on the cultural uses of history and the theorisation of remediation, illustration and narrative drawing.

Table of Contents

Simon Grennan and Laurence Grove: Introduction (7)

Part 1: Dispossession: Simon Grennan’s graphic adaptation of Trollope’s John Caldigate (13)
Jan Baetens: Adapting and displaying multiple temporalities: What became of Trollope’s John Caldigate and Maupassant’s Boule de Suif in Simon Grennan’s Dispossession and Dino Battaglia’s Contes et nouvelles de guerre? (15)
John Miers in conversation with Simon Grennan: Dispossession: Time, motion and depictive regimes (33)
Hugo Frey: The tactic for illusion in Simon Grennan’s Dispossession (55)

Part 2: Nineteenth-century visualisations (69)
Frederik Van Dam: Allegorical landscapes: The psychology of seeing in Anthony Trollope’s later novels (71)
David Skilton: Complex meanings in illustrated literature, 1860–1880 (89)
Roger Sabin: Comics versus books: The new criticism at the ‘fin de siècle’ (107)
Barbara Postema: The visual culture of comics in the last half of the nineteenth century: Comics without words (131)

Part 3: Using the Victorians: Appropriation, adaptation and historiography (149)
Marie-Luise Kohlke: “Abominable pictures”: Neo-Victorianism and the tyranny of the sexual taboo (151)
Ian Hague: Drawing “the apprenticeship of a man of letters”: Adapting Remembrance of Things Past for ‘bande dessinée’ (175)
Aarnoud Rommens: Allegories of graphiation: Alberto Breccia’s counter-censorial versions of E. A. Poe’s Valdemar (199)
Peter Wilkins: An incomplete project: Graphic adaptations of Moby-Dick and the ethics of response (217)

Index (235)
Gallery with colour figures (247)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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