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Lobmeier, Kornelia. "Auf den Spuren der Digedags: Geschichten und Geschichte im DDR-Comic Mosaik." Comparativ 24. (2014): 47–58. 
Added by: joachim (2/21/15, 11:36 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/13/17, 1:04 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: de: Deutsch
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Lobmeier2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Die Digedags", "Mosaik", Children’s and young adults’ comics, GDR, Germany, Hegen. Hannes, History comics
Creators: Lobmeier
Collection: Comparativ
Views: 38/1231
The comic »Hannes Hegen’s Mosaik« was an anomaly in the East German press scene. The officials of the state party SED were afraid of the political influence comics from the West could exert on young people. Therefore, a “socialist picture story” made in the GDR was to replace the comic books from the USA and Western Europe. The “Mosaik”, however, did not comply with the SED ideology. This essay describes how “Mosaik” was able to survive and prosper in a comichostile environment.
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