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Cook, Roy T. and Aaron Meskin. "Comics, Prints, and Multiplicity." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 73. (2015): 57–67. 
Added by: joachim (2/20/15, 2:53 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/21/15, 1:06 AM)
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1111/jaac.12138
BibTeX citation key: Cook2015
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Batman", "Squadron Supreme", "The Killing Joke", Bolland. Brian, Materiality, Moore. Alan, Superhero, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Cook, Meskin
Collection: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Views: 34/1521
Comics comprise a hybrid art form descended from printmaking and mostly made using print technologies. But comics are an art form in their own right and do not belong to the art form of printmaking. We explore some features art comics and fine art prints do and do not have in common. Although most fine art prints and comics are multiple artworks, it is not obvious whether the multiple instances of comics and prints are (or can be) artworks in their own right. The comparison of comics and fine art prints provides a promising test for assessing how hybrid art forms develop more generally, and for assessing how they differ from closely related nonhybrid cousins.
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