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Hescher, Achim. "Transgressing Borders in and with Comics: Mana Neyestani’s Graphic Novel Une métamorphose iranienne (2012)." PhiN 70 2014. Accessed 17Dec. 2014. <>. 
Added by: joachim (12/17/14, 3:01 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Hescher2014a
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Une métamorphose iranienne", Autobiography, Comics Journalism, France, Genre, Intertextuality, Iran, Metaisierung, Neyestani. Mana
Creators: Hescher
Collection: PhiN
Views: 31/1279
Attachments   URLs   http://web.fu-berl ... n/phin70/p70t4.htm
This article analyzes the motif of transgressing borders in Mana Neyestani’s recent graphic memoir Une métamorphose iranienne (2012) on several planes: thematically and metaphorically, intertextually, diegetically, and genre-specifically. At first, the work is assessed historically in the contexts of bande dessinée as well as complex and experimental Francophone and Anglophone comics. A prototype approach is used to establish the graphic novel as a subgenre of graphic narratives and graphic memoirs or reportage comics as subgenres of the graphic novel. Finally, it is shown to what extent Une métamorphose iranienne fits into a prototypical category schema and how it unfolds its motif of transgression.
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