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Sommers, Joseph Michael, ed. The American Comic Book. Critical Insights. Englewood Cliffs: Salem Pr. 2014. 
Added by: joachim (12/9/14, 11:57 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/10/14, 12:49 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-61925-226-4
BibTeX citation key: Sommers2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, USA
Creators: Sommers
Publisher: Salem Pr. (Englewood Cliffs)
Views: 11/838
The American comic book was one of the most important entertainment forms of the twentieth century in America. Beginning as medium that reprinted popular newspaper comic strips, during the decade of the Great Depression the comic book saw the development of the superhero in characters such as Superman and Batman. The American comic book would go on to feature a wide variety of stories, ranging from horror tales, to Westerns, to love romances, to funny animal stories. During its heyday in the decade following World War II, the comic book rivaled film, radio, and television in popularity. Today, comics continue to inspire the development of the most popular movies and television programs.

Table of Contents

Joseph Michael Sommers: About This Volume (vii)
Joseph Michael Sommers: On the American Comic Book (xiii)

Critical Contexts
Daniel Clark and Krystal Howard: The American Comic Book: a Brief History (3)
Kim Munson: Hiding the Forbidden Fruit: Comics Censorship in the United States (20)
Matt Bryant Cheney: US Comics, Moral Capital, and Social Change: 1954–2014 (36)
Daniel Lawson: The Rhetorical Construction and Negotiation of Cultural Difference in American Nonfiction Comics (53)

Critical Readings
Joseph Michael Sommers: Negotiating Popular Genres in Comic Books: an Impossible Mission. Against All Odds. Yet, Somehow, the Chapter Is Saved! (73)
Joseph Darowski: The Improbability of Assignment: Arriving at a Golden Age of Comic Books (90)
Matthew J. Smith: The Silver Age Playbook: Minting the Modern Superhero (104)
Kyle Eveleth: Rust and Revitalization: the So-Called Bronze and Modern Ages of Comics (119)
Kim Munson: From the Mainstream to the Margins: Independent Comics Find a Voice (136)
Philip Smith: From the Page to the Tablet: Digital Media and the Comic Book (153)
Owen R. Horton and A. J. Shackelford: Fantasy Elsewheres, Sutured Realities, and the End of Camp: Comics in Contemporary Film and Television (170)
Forrest C. Helvie: Comic Fandom throughout the Ages (186)
Katherine E. Whaley, Justin Wigard: Waiting for Wonder Woman: the Problematic History of Comic Book Women and Their Cinematic Doubles (200)

Additional Works in the American Comic Book Genre (219)
Bibliography (221)
About the Editor (227)
Contributors (229)
Index (233)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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