Resource type: Web Article Language: fr: français Peer reviewed BibTeX citation key: Orselli2005 Email resource to friend View all bibliographic details |
Categories: General Keywords: Comics Journalism, Faton. Jacques, France, Sacco. Joe, Squarzoni. Philippe, USA Creators: Orselli, Sohet Collection: Image [&] Narrative |
Views: 5/947
Attachments | URLs http://www.imagean ... tising/orselli.htm |
Abstract |
[Abstract in English below]
Le grand reportage constitue un nouveau versant des récits factuels en bande dessinée. Dans cet article, nous analyserons la confrontation de la narration canonique de la BD à la relation de l’événement et de l’altérité. Nous nous pencherons plus précisément sur les albums de Philippe Squarzoni, Jacques Faton et Joe Sacco. Recently, journalism has appeared in the world of non-fiction comics. In this essay, we will analyze how comics’ narration encounters a crisis when trying to report events and otherness. We will take a closer look on the works of Philippe Squarzoni, Jacques Faton and Joe Sacco. |