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Warren, Rosalind. Dyke Strippers: Lesbian Cartoonists from A to Z. Pittsburgh: Cleis, 1995. 
Added by: joachim (23/07/2012, 15:52)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1573440094
BibTeX citation key: Warren1995
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Categories: General
Keywords: Biography, Collection of essays, Gender, Interview, USA
Creators: Warren
Publisher: Cleis (Pittsburgh)
Views: 11/556
Table of Contents

Alison Bechdel
Katie Brown interviews Alison Bechdel
Angela Bocage
Paige Braddock
Jane Caminos
Jennifer Camper
Roz Warren interviews Jennifer Camper
Rona Chadwick
Kate DeBold
Rhonda Dicksion
Diane DiMassa
Elana Bouvier interviews Diane DiMassa
Wendy Eastwood
Leslie Ewing
Karen Favreau
Nicole Ferentz
Fish interviews Hothead and Chicken
Ellen Forney
Leanne Franson
Nikki Gosch
Roberta Gregory
Robin Bernstein interviews Roberta Gregory
Joan Hilty
Cath Jackson
Kris Kovick
Emily Greenberg interviews Kris Kovick
Erica Lopez
Beck Main
Andrea Natalie
Robin Bernstein interviews Andrea Natalie
Jo Nesbitt
Barbary O’Brien
Michelle Rau
Added by: joachim  
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