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Altnether, Joseph G. "Reimagination of Hell in Mike Mignola’s Hellboy in Hell." Sequential Art. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel. Eds. Kathrin Muschalik and Florian Fiddrich. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 23–34.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/25/21, 8:44 PM
Bazemore, Chanae. "The Art of Trauma: Holocaust Restatement in the Graphic Novel." Is This a Culture of Trauma? An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Eds. Jessica Aliaga Lavrijsen and Michael Bick. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013.   
Added by: joachim 9/12/14, 12:22 PM
Buck, Louisa. "Defining the British Political Cartoon." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 39–49.   
Added by: joachim 1/20/18, 5:27 PM
Cadrette, Ryan. "S/Z in Panels: Adaptation, Polysemous Textuality and the Graphic Novel." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 31–38.   
Added by: joachim 1/20/18, 5:48 PM
Donn, Katharina. "‘Icons of a more Innocent Age’? Graphic Narratives after 9/11." Frightful Witnessing. The Rhetoric and (Re)Presentation of Fear, Horror and Terror. Eds. Beth A. Kattelman and Magdalena Hodalska. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2014.   
Added by: joachim 9/12/14, 12:47 PM
Evans, Jonathan C. and Thomas Giddens, eds. Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel. At the Interface, Probing the Boundaries. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/20/21, 10:39 AM
Evans, Jonathan C. "More than Simply a Flash of Colour: The True Rhetorical Power of Superhero Style." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 3–13.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/20/18, 4:59 PM
Gaitanos, Georgios. "The Story of Comic Books: Political Propaganda or an Urban Religious Cult?." Perspectives on Storytelling. Framing Global and Personal Identities. Eds. Lena Möller, Minerva Ahumada and Laurinda Brown. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2014. 293–302.   
Added by: joachim 3/27/16, 3:12 PM
Giddens, Thomas. "Towards a Metaphysics of Comics." Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel. Eds. Jonathan C. Evans and Thomas Giddens. At the Interface, Probing the Boundaries. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013. 207–16.   
Added by: joachim 10/20/21, 11:31 AM
Goodbrey, Daniel Merlin. "Images in Space: The Challenges of Architectural Spatiality in Comics." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 15–29.   
Added by: joachim 1/20/18, 5:10 PM
Gutiérrez G-H, Julio. "M, John J. Muth’s Adaptation of Lang’s Film: An Inference Bridge from Film to Comic." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 63–71.   
Added by: joachim 1/20/18, 5:34 PM
Harnett, John. "Shelley’s Progeny: Using the Comic to Re-Animate Frankenstein’s Vision." Sequential Art. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel. Eds. Kathrin Muschalik and Florian Fiddrich. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 11–21.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/25/21, 8:28 PM
Harnett, John. "Framing the Subconscious: Envisioning the Polysemic Narrative of the Graphic Novel as a Reference Point for Psychoanalytical and Semiotic Discourse." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 73–83.   
Added by: joachim 1/20/18, 5:39 PM
Maynard, Amy Louise. "Bourdieu vs. Batman: Examining the Cultural Capital of the Dark Knight via Graphic Novels." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 51–61.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/18/18, 11:56 PM
Moszkowicz, Julia. "Time, Narrative and the Gutter: How Philosophical Thinking Can Make Something Out of Nothing." Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel. Eds. Jonathan C. Evans and Thomas Giddens. At the Interface, Probing the Boundaries. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013. 197–205.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/3/23, 5:20 PM
Muschalik, Kathrin and Florian Fiddrich, eds. Sequential Art: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/29/21, 3:53 PM
Narcisi, Lara. "‘A Stronger Loving World’?: Destruction, Compassion, and Megalomaniacs in Alan Moore’s Watchmen." Imagining the End. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Apocalypse. Eds. Thomas E. Bishop and Jeremy R. Strong. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2015. 83–97.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/19/22, 12:33 PM
Narcisi, Lara. "The Apocalypse Is Here, Again: Moral Ambiguities and Human Failings in Watchmen." A Critical Approach to the Apocalypse. Eds. Alexandra Simon-López and Heidi Yeandle. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013. 141–50.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/19/22, 12:39 PM
Nichols, Jayms Clifford. "Comics on Screen: Pages and Places in the Cloud." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 93–101.   
Added by: joachim 1/20/18, 5:52 PM
Nurse, Angus. "The Family and the Fishing Net: Family Values and Dysfunction in Brief Lives." Good Madness. A Collection of Essays on the Work of Neil Gaiman. Eds. Alexandra Dunne and Gráinne O’Brien. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2014. 45–66.   
Added by: joachim 11/5/20, 2:14 PM
Peppas, Mikhail and Sanabelle Ebrahim, eds. Framescapes: Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/19/18, 12:00 AM
Reid, Britanny. "Destroyer and Preserver: Monstrous Intertextuality in Watchmen." Monstrous Manifestations. Realities and Imaginings of the Monstrous. Eds. Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska and Karen Graham. At the Interface. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013. 87–94.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/20/21, 10:11 AM
Richardson, Sarah. "‘Perseveration on Detail’: Shame and Confession in Memoir Comics." Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel. Eds. Jonathan C. Evans and Thomas Giddens. At the Interface, Probing the Boundaries. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013. 149–58.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/20/21, 11:19 AM
Romu, Leena. "Graphic Life Writing in Kaisa Leka’s I Am Not These Feet." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 203–12.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/27/17, 9:54 PM
Strong, Jeremy R. "Transformative Technology and Posthuman Futurity: The Psychosocial Cartographies of Zombie Narratives." Imagining the End. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Apocalypse. Eds. Thomas E. Bishop and Jeremy R. Strong. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2015. 209–36.   
Added by: joachim 3/19/22, 12:28 PM
Sulmicki, Maciej. "‘And All Right, We Need a Woman’: Victimised Heroines and Heroic Victims in Alan Moore's Quasi-Victorian Graphic Novels." Cultural Excavation and Formal Expression in the Graphic Novel. Eds. Jonathan C. Evans and Thomas Giddens. At the Interface, Probing the Boundaries. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2013. 173–83.   
Added by: joachim 10/20/21, 11:12 AM
Varis, Essi. "Something Borrowed: Interfigural Characterisation in Anglo-American Fantasy Comics." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 113–22.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/20/21, 10:19 AM
Younus, Zainab. "(Re)Interpreting Dante’s Inferno in Gaiman’s Season of Mists." Framescapes. Graphic Narrative Intertexts. Eds. Mikhail Peppas and Sanabelle Ebrahim. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 85–92.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/20/21, 10:17 AM
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