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Birge, Sarah. "No Life Lessons Here: Comics, Autism, and Empathetic Scholarship." Disability Studies Quarterly 30. 1 2010. Accessed 17May. 2019. <>.   
Added by: joachim 5/17/19, 6:00 PM
Squier, Susan M. "So Long as They Grow Out of It: Comics, The Discourse of Developmental Normalcy, and Disability." Journal of Medical Humanities 29. (2008): 71–88.   
Added by: joachim 10/26/09, 2:34 AM
Squier, Susan M. "Bare de vokser fra det – Tegneserier, normalitetsdiskurs og funksjonshemning." Tegn på sykdom. Om litterær medisin og medisinsk litteratur. Eds. Hilde Bondevik and Anne Kveim Lie. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Pr. 2007. 87–111.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/17/13, 9:22 AM
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