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Struve, Karen. "Weltausschnitte: Serielles Erzählen bei Salgari in Film und Panini-Heften." Das Salgari-Abenteuer. Intermediale Adaptionen eines italienischen Klassikers. Ed. Karen Struve. Berlin [etc.]: LIT, 2019. 71–84.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/26/20, 1:21 PM
von Wyss-Giacosa, Paola. "Western Imaginaries between Fascination, Colonial Construction and Appropriation: The Lore of a Mysterious India, of the Goddess Kali and of her Evil Devotees." Religion in Cultural Imaginary. Explorations in Visual und Material Practices. Ed. Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati. Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015. 80–117.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/22/21, 11:59 AM
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