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Michael, Olga. "Looking at the Perpetrator in Nina Bunjevac’s Fatherland." Journal of Perpetrator Research 4. 2 2022. Accessed 24Oct. 2022. <https://jpr.winchesteru ... t/10.21039/jpr.4.2.111/>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/24/22, 8:24 PM
Precup, Mihaela. "Felines and Females on the Fringe: Femininity and Dislocation in Nina Bunjevac’s Heartless." Between History and Personal Narrative. East European Women’s Stories of Migration in the New Millenium. Eds. Maria Sabina Draga-Alexandru, Mădălina Nicolaescu and Helen Smith. Berlin [etc.]: LIT, 2013. 177–94.   
Added by: joachim 11/26/16, 3:46 PM
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