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Cleland, Jaime. "Unterzakhn, Dirty Laundry, and the Map of Lost New York: An Interview with Leela Corman." European Journal of American Studies 10. 2 2015. Accessed 12Oct. 2015. <>.   
Added by: joachim 11/26/16, 6:10 PM
Frahm, Ole. "Die Fiktion des Graphischen Romans." Bild ist Text ist Bild. Narration und Ästhetik in der Graphic Novel. Eds. Susanne Hochreiter and Ursula Klingenböck. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2014. 53–77.   
Added by: joachim 9/5/16, 5:01 PM
Mihăilescu, Dana. "The Lower East Side as Mishmash of Jewish Women’s Multicultural Images in Leela Corman’s Unterzakhn." Representing Multiculturalism in Comics and Graphic Novels. Eds. Carolene Ayaka and Ian Hague. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies. London, New York: Routledge, 2014. 212–27.   
Added by: joachim 5/10/16, 10:31 PM
Oksman, Tahneer. "“Not a Word for Little Girls!”: Knowledge, Word, and Image in Leela Corman’s Unterzakhn." Visualizing Jewish Narrative. Jewish Comics and Graphic Novels. Ed. Derek Parker Royal. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 29–40.   
Added by: Okwuchi Mba   Last edited by: joachim 3/3/20, 12:22 AM
Scherr, Rebecca. "Bleeding through, drawing out: The circumscribing of Jewish women’s bodies in Leela Corman’s Unterzakhn." Studies in Comics 6. (2015): 213–29.   
Added by: joachim 11/26/16, 6:08 PM
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