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Dushane, Allison. "We3 and the Violence of Sentimentality." Superheroes and Critical Animal Studies. The Heroic Beasts of Total Liberation. Eds. Sean Parson and J. L. Schatz. Lanham [etc.]: Lexington, 2018. 83–94.   
Added by: joachim 11/2/20, 1:01 AM
Gaboury, Jonathan. "The Violence Museum: Aesthetic Wounds from Popeye to We3." ImageTexT 6. 1 2011. Accessed 7May. 2012. <http://www.english.ufl. ... /archives/v6_1/gaboury/>.   
Added by: joachim 5/7/12, 10:39 PM
de la Iglesia, Martin. "Formal Characteristics of Animal Liberation in Comics." Closure 7 2020. Accessed 29Jan. 2021. <>.   
Added by: Martin de la Iglesia   Last edited by: joachim 1/30/21, 1:12 PM
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