List Resources

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Baetens, Jan. "Dominique Goblet: The List Principle and the Meaning of Form." Graphic Subjects. Critical Essays on Autobiography and Graphic Novels. Ed. Michael A. Chaney. Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 2011. 76–92.   
Added by: joachim 4/20/15, 9:11 AM
Brogniez, Laurence. "Féminin singulier : les desseins du moi: Julie Doucet, Dominique Goblet." Textyles (2010): 117–38.   
Added by: joachim 10/7/13, 10:43 PM
Mao, Catherine. "L’œil et l’oreille dans Faire semblant c’est mentir de Dominique Goblet: D’un faire-semblant sonore à une esthétique sonore." Images re-vues 7 2009. Accessed 26Jan. 2015. <>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/26/15, 5:33 PM
Meesters, Gert. "Les significations du style graphique: Mon fiston d’Olivier Schrauwen et Faire semblant c’est mentir de Dominique Goblet." Textyles (2010): 215–33.   
Added by: joachim 10/25/13, 12:06 PM
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