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Comerford, Chris. "The hero we need, not the one we deserve: Vigilantism and the state of exception in Batman Incorporated." Graphic Justice. Intersections of Comics and Law. Ed. Thomas Giddens. London, New York: Routledge, 2015. 183–200.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/15/19, 3:31 PM
Curtis, Neal. "Doom’s Law: Spaces of Sovereignty in Marvel’s Secret Wars." The Comics Grid 7. 9 2017. Accessed 26Aug. 2017. <>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/26/17, 12:22 PM
Fennell, Jack. "The Aesthetics of Supervillainy." Law Text Culture 16. (2012): 305–28.   
Added by: joachim 6/25/16, 1:26 PM
Hagener, Malte. "Digital/digitus: Die Geste in den Pixar-Animationsfilmen." Ästhetik des Gemachten. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Animations- und Comicforschung. Eds. Hans-Joachim Backe, et al. Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter, 2018. 11–26.   
Added by: Okwuchi Mba   Last edited by: joachim 6/9/22, 2:50 PM
Kodencheri, Anupama and Gandhapodi K. Chithra. "Carnivalesque, creativity, and the becomings: A critical assessment of the politics of resistance in Batman: Arkham Asylum." Creativity Studies 17. (2024): 59–72.   
Added by: joachim 2/23/24, 4:32 PM
Miettinen, Mervi. "Representing the state of exception: Power, utopia, visuality and narrative in superhero comic." Images in Use. Towards the Critical Analysis of Visual Communication. Eds. Matteo Stocchetti and Karin Kukkonen. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011. 269–88.   
Added by: joachim 6/16/16, 3:43 PM
Pagello, Federico. "Cannibale, Frigidaire and the multitude: Post-1977 italian comics through radical theory." Studies in Comics 3. (2012): 231–51.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/30/13, 2:44 AM
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