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Nijdam, Elizabeth. "Transnational girlhood and the politics of style in German Manga." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 11. (2020): 31–51.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/8/20, 2:44 PM
Richter, Steffi. "“Trans” and “Inter”: An Attempt at Definition." Manhwa, Manga, Manhua. East Asian Comics Studies. Ed. Jaqueline Berndt. Leipziger Ostasien-Studien. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2012. 117–29.   
Added by: joachim 12/21/12, 6:46 PM
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 14761 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: Modern Language Association (MLA)