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Danehy, Cécile Vernier. "Le Bar du vieux Français ou la question de l’Autre." Études Francophones 20. (2005): 92–104.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/15/19, 1:18 AM
MacLeod, Catriona. "From Wandering Women to Fixed Females: Relations of Gendered Movement through Post-Colonial Space in Lettres D’Outremer and Le Bar du Vieux Français." Comic Book Geographies. Ed. Jason Dittmer. Media Geography at Mainz. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2014. 75–90.   
Added by: joachim 6/29/14, 9:35 PM
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 14763 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: Modern Language Association (MLA)