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Baetens, Jan and Hugo Frey. "Continued Comics: The New ‘Blake and Mortimer’ as an Example of Continuation in European Series." The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Narrative Theories. Eds. Zara Dinnen and Robyn Warhol. Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018. 215–26.   
Added by: joachim 8/19/22, 12:43 PM
Chavanne, Renaud. Edgar P. Jacobs & le secret de l’explosion. Mémoire Vive. Montrouge: PLG, 2005.   
Added by: joachim 10/22/13, 7:20 PM
Masson, Pierre. "Tintin, Alix et Mortimer: L’impossible mythe." Mythe et bande dessinée. Eds. Danielle Corrado and Viviane Alary. Littératures. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Univ. Blaise Pascal, 2006. 67–79.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/28/16, 11:41 AM
Miller, Ann. "The Astonishing Return of Blake and Mortimer: Francophone Fantasies of Britain as Imperial Power and Retrospective Rewritings." Technologies of Memory in the Arts. Eds. Liedeke Plate and Anneke Smelik. New York [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 74–85.   
Added by: joachim 1/21/21, 3:44 PM
Muise, André. "Sanzot, mais avec fil: Les télécommunications dans L’Affaire Tournesol (1956), La Marque Jaune (1956), et Z comme Zorglub (1959)." Études Francophones 20. (2005): 73–82.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/15/15, 10:05 PM
Nouailhat, René. Jacobs, la marque du fantastique: Mythologie, politique et religion dans la bande dessinée Blake et Mortimer. Saint-Egrève: Mosquito, 2004.   
Added by: joachim 2/11/18, 12:14 PM
Nouailhat, René. Olrik ou le secret du mystère Jacobs. Saint-Egrève: Mosquito, 2014.   
Added by: joachim 2/11/18, 12:25 PM
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