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Ebihara, Akiko. "Japan's Feminist Fabulation: Reading Marginal with Unisex Reproduction as a Key Concept." Genders 36 2002. Accessed 3Apr. 2011. <>.   
Added by: joachim 4/3/11, 3:40 PM
Mae, Michiko. "Die Mädchen-Revolution durch shōjo (Mädchen)-Manga: Dekonstruktion von Gender und Liebe." Japanische Populärkultur und Gender. Ein Studienbuch. Eds. Michiko Mae, Elisabeth Scherer and Katharina Hülsmann. Geschlecht und Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2016. 21–50.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/24/20, 4:32 PM
Maser, Verena. "Nuclear Disasters and the Political Possibilities of Shōjo (Girls’) Manga (Comics): A Case Study of Works by Yamagishi Ryōko and Hagio Moto." Journal of Popular Culture 48. (2015): 558–71.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/17/18, 10:45 PM
Suzuki, Shige (CJ). "Envisioning Alternative Communities through a Popular Medium: Speculative Imagination in Hagio Moto’s Girls’ Comics." International Journal of Comic Art 13. (2011): 57–74.   
Added by: joachim 2/17/12, 11:38 PM
Wakabayashi, Megumi. "Deutsche Schulromane und ihr Echo in japanischen Mädchen-Comics: Hermann Hesse und Moto Hagios Das Herzklopfen des jungen Thomas." Zwischen Kanon und Unterhaltung. Interkulturelle und intermediale Aspekte von hoher und niederer Literatur. Between Canon and Entertainment. Intercultural and Intermedial Aspects of Highbrow and Lowbrow Literature. Eds. Annie Bourguignon, Konrad Harrer and Franz Hintereder-Emde. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2016. 89–100.   
Added by: joachim 5/28/16, 2:23 AM
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