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Clowes, Daniel and Jonathan Lethem. "“I Could Relate Very Closely To Your Isolation”: A Conversation Between Daniel Clowes and Jonathan Lethem." The Best American Comics Criticism. Ed. Ben Schwartz. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2010. 331–42.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/6/10, 12:06 AM
Coughlan, David. "Jonathan Lethem’s The Fortress of Solitude and Omega: The Unknown, a Comic Book Series." College Literature 38. (2011): 194–218.   
Added by: joachim 10/9/11, 4:19 PM
Galella, Donatella. "‘Superman/Sidekick’ White Storytellers and Black Lives in The Fortress of Solitude (2014)." Reframing the Musical. Race, Culture, and Identity. Ed. Sarah Whitfield. London: Red Globe, 2019. 3–16.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/2/22, 7:26 PM
Lethem, Jonathan. "The Return of the King, or, Identifying with Your Parents." Give Our Regards to the Atomsmashers! Writers on Comics. Ed. Sean Howe. New York: Pantheon, 2004. 2–23.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/17/10, 11:56 AM
Rossi, Umberto. "The Difficult Art of the Remake: Jonathan Lethem’s Omega the Unknown." Translating America. Importing, Translating, Misrepresenting, Mythicizing, Communicating America. Eds. Marina Camboni, Andrea Carosso and Sonia Di Loreto. Torino: Otto, 2010. 368–77.   
Added by: joachim 2/18/13, 3:20 AM
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