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Barbanell, Jeff. "Shooter's Marvelesque." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 64–85.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:04 PM
Barbee, Christopher. "The Silver Age Legion: Adventure into the Classics." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 49–58.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:02 PM
Bensam, Richard. "The Perfect Storm: The Death and Resurrection of Lightning Lad." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 9–36.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:00 PM
Bryson, Jae. "The Racial Politics of the Legion." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 315–25.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:41 PM
Callahan, Timothy, ed. Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/12/10, 4:54 PM
Callahan, Timothy. "Thomas, Altman, Levitz, and the 30th Century." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 136–65.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:09 PM
Darius, Julian. "Revisionism, Radical Experimentation, and Dystopia in Giffen’s Legion." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 179–230.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 9/30/20, 11:45 PM
Ellis, Sara K. "Decades Ahead of Us to Get it Right: Architecture and Utopia." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 113–25.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:06 PM
Elmslie, Matthew. "Diversity and Evolution in the Reboot Legion." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 248–66.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:31 PM
Elmslie, Matthew. "Generational Theory and the Waid Threeboot." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 290–300.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:37 PM
Garling, Scipio. "Bridging the Past and the Present with the Future: The Early Legion and the JLA." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 100–12.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:05 PM
Gildersleeve, Greg. "Those Legionnaires Should Just Grow Up!." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 126–35.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:07 PM
Hemry, John G. "Liberating the Future: Women in the Early Legion." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 37–48.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:01 PM
Kakalios, James. "The Legion's Super Science." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 86–99.   
Added by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:50 PM
Lytle, Paul. "A Universe in Adolescence." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 301–14.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:40 PM
Pérez, Martin A. "Fashion from the Future, or “I Swear, Computo Forced Me to Wear This!”." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 267–89.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:34 PM
Rose, Lanny. "The Amethyst Connection." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 166–78.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:10 PM
Sims, Chris. "The (Often Arbitrary) Rules of the Legion." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 59–63.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:03 PM
Williams, Alan. "Coming Out of Future Closets: Gender Identity and Homosexuality in the Legion." Teenagers from the Future. Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Ed. Timothy Callahan. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 231–47.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/10/09, 11:31 PM
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