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Ahrens, Jörn. "Graphische Epistemologie und das verfemte Medium am Beispiel von Gideon Falls." Der Comic als Form. Bildsprache, Ästhetik, Narration. Ed. Jörn Ahrens. Bildnarrative. Berlin: Ch.A. Bachmann, 2021. 175–210.   
Added by: joachim 4/15/24, 7:20 PM
Cohn, Jesse. "“I Revive, Renew, and Re-establish”: Mimetic Catastrophe in Ben Katchor's The Jew of New York." Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction 50. (2009): 365–76.   
Added by: joachim 10/21/09, 11:49 AM
Kaur, Raminder. "Atomic comics: Parabolic mimesis and the graphic fictions of science." International Journal of Cultural Studies 15. (2011): 329–47.   
Added by: joachim 7/27/17, 12:12 PM
Spiegelman, Marvin, Carl Terwilliger, and Franklin Fearing. "The Content of Comic Strips: A Study of a Mass Medium of Communication." Journal of Social Psychology 35. (1952): 37–57.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/18/13, 3:29 PM
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