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Brooker, Will. "Hero of the beach: Flex Mentallo at the end of the worlds." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 2. (2011): 25–37.   
Added by: joachim 6/20/11, 6:05 PM
Niederhausen, Michael. "Deconstructing Crisis on Infinite Earths: Grant Morrison’s Animal Man, JLA: Earth 2, and Flex Mentallo." International Journal of Comic Art 8. (2006): 271–82.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 11/23/13, 12:44 PM
O’Connor, Lauren. "Inseparation of powers: DC Comics, Flex Mentallo, and the necessity of adolescence." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2018): 1–15.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/2/18, 11:11 AM
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