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Arizpe, Evelyn, Teresa Colomer, and Carmen Martínez-Roldán. Visual Journeys Through Wordless Narratives: An International Inquiry With Immigrant Children and The Arrival. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014.   
Added by: joachim 8/16/20, 12:39 PM
Banerjee, Bidisha. "Creating a ‘well-fitted habitus’: Material culture, homemaking and diasporic belonging in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 7. (2016): 53–69.   
Added by: joachim 4/23/16, 2:18 PM
Banerjee, Bidisha. "Kinship between “companion species”: A posthuman refiguration of the immigrant condition in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Journal of Postcolonial Writing 52. (2016): 399–414.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/10/17, 12:31 PM
Boatright, Michael D. "Graphic Journeys: Graphic Novels’ Representations of Immigrant Experiences." Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 53. (2010): 468–76.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/1/14, 8:36 PM
Böger, Astrid. "Kreative Zwischenräume: Medienästhetische Strategien des Rahmens und Übersetzens in Graphic Novels." Übersetzen und Rahmen. Praktiken medialer Transformationen. Eds. Claudia Benthien and Gabriele Klein. München: Fink, 2017. 75–87.   
Added by: joachim 10/27/20, 4:36 PM
Buuck, Christiane and Cathy Ryan. "Looking Beyond the Scenes: Spatial Storytelling and Masking in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Graphic Novels for Children and Young Adults. A Collection of Critical Essays. Eds. Michelle Ann Abate and Gwen Athene Tarbox. Children’s Literature Association Series. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2017. 154–70.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/16/20, 12:12 PM
Devos, Lien. "Not all that’s modern is post: Shaun Tan’s grand narrative." Bookbird 49. (2011): 17–23.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/30/17, 10:19 PM
Dony, Christophe. "Towards a vocabulary of displacement and utopian possibilities: Reading Shaun Tan’s The Arrival as a crossover text." Studies in Comics 3. (2012): 83–106.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/31/12, 11:38 PM
Earle, Harriet E. H. "Strange migrations: An essay/interview with Shaun Tan." Journal of Postcolonial Writing 52. (2016): 385–98.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/11/22, 12:07 PM
Höppner, Stefan. "Ohne Worte: Erzählweisen des Fremden in Shaun Tans The Arrival." Comic und Literatur. Konstellationen. Ed. Monika Schmitz-Emans. linguae & litterae. Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter, 2012. 136–66.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/8/20, 6:21 PM
Hunter, Linnet. "The artist as narrator: Shaun Tan’s wondrous worlds." Bookbird 49. (2011): 10–16.   
Added by: joachim 9/7/12, 12:38 PM
Johnston, Rosemary Ross. "Graphic trinities: Languages, literature, and words-in-pictures in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Visual Communication 11. (2012): 421–41.   
Added by: joachim 9/9/13, 11:28 AM
Junqua, Amélie. "Wordless Eloquence – Shaun Tan, The Arrival, and Winshluss, Pinocchio." Revue de recherche en civilisation américaine 5 2015. Accessed 19Jan. 2017. <>.   
Added by: joachim 1/19/17, 1:50 AM
Kurkjian, Catherine and Julia Kara-Soteriou. "Insights Into Negotiating Shaun Tan’s The Arrival Using a Literature Cyberlesson." SANE journal 1. 3 2013. Accessed 21Aug. 2017. <>.   
Added by: joachim 8/21/17, 2:26 PM
Ling, Chuan-Yao. "A Conversation with Illustrator Shaun Tan." World Literature Today 82. (2008): 44–47.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/30/13, 6:55 PM
Lommel, Michael. "Facetten des Surrealismus in der Gegenwartskultur." Der Surrealismus in der Mediengesellschaft – zwischen Kunst und Kommerz. Eds. Nanette Rißler-Pipka, Michael Lommel and Justyna Cempel. Medienumbrüche. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2010. 23–32.   
Added by: joachim 8/18/12, 9:08 PM
Manchester, Ashley. "Teaching Critical Looking: Pedagogical Approaches to Using Comics as Queer Theory." SANE journal 2. 2 2017. Accessed 23Apr. 2017. <>.   
Added by: joachim 4/23/17, 5:04 PM
Mikkonen, Kai. "Focalisation in Comics: From the Specificities of the Medium to Conceptual Reformulation." Scandinavian Journal of Comic Art 1. 1 2012. Accessed 22Jun. 2012. < ... -1-Article-Mikkonen.pdf>.   
Added by: joachim 6/22/12, 8:37 AM
Mills, Alice. "The Paradoxes of History in Crew and Woolman’s Tagged and Crew and Tan’s Memorial." Rethinking History 6. (2002): 331–43.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/14/12, 2:37 AM
Nabizadeh, Golnar. "Questions for Shaun Tan." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 5. (2014): 361–65.   
Added by: Deleted user   Last edited by: Deleted user 9/11/14, 9:25 AM
Nabizadeh, Golnar. "Visual melancholy in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 5. (2014): 366–79.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 9/11/14, 10:49 AM
Oppolzer, Markus. "Reading Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Writing Worlds. Welten- und Raummodelle der Fantastik. Eds. Pascal Klenke, et al. Beiträge zur Literaturtheorie und Wissenspoetik. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014. 265–76.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/2/15, 12:59 AM
Oppolzer, Markus. "Intercultural Perspectives on and in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Sprachen und Kulturen: vermitteln und vernetzen. Beiträge zu Mehrsprachigkeit und Inter-/Transkulturalität im Unterricht, in Lehrwerken und in der Lehrer/innen/bildung. Ed. Michaela Rückl. Salzburger Beiträge zur Lehrer/innen/bildung: Der Dialog der Fachdidaktiken mit Fach- und Bildungswissenschaften. Münster: Waxmann, 2016. 73–84.   
Added by: joachim 1/24/17, 12:09 PM
Pantaleo, Sylvia and Alexandra Bomphray. "Exploring Grade 7 Students’ Written Responses to Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Changing English 18. (2011): 173–85.   
Added by: joachim 2/18/12, 6:27 PM
Rice, Mary and Ashley Kaye Dallacqua. "Teaching visual literacies: The case of The Great American Dust Bowl." SANE journal 2. 4 2019. Accessed 30May. 2019. <>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/30/19, 4:58 PM
Singer, Rüdiger. "Cute monsters and early birds: Foreignness in graphic novels on migration by Shaun Tan and Paula Bulling." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 11. (2020): 74–95.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/20/24, 7:49 PM
Stuhlfauth-Trabert, Mara. "Überlegungen zur Schriftbildlichkeit im Comic aus postkolonialer Perspektive: Zu Shaun Tans The Arrival und Craig Thompsons Habibi." Schrift und Graphisches im Vergleich. Eds. Monika Schmitz-Emans, Linda Simonis and Simone Sauer-Kretschmer. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2019. 525–38.   
Added by: joachim 5/8/21, 12:25 PM
Tan, Shaun. "The accidental graphic novelist." Bookbird 49. (2011): 1–9.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 9/7/12, 12:39 PM
Tarbox, Gwen Athene. "Looking beyond the Scenes: Spatial Storytelling and Masking in Shaun Tan’s The Arrival." Graphic Novels for Children and Young Adults. A Collection of Critical Essays. Eds. Michelle Ann Abate and Gwen Athene Tarbox. Children’s Literature Association Series. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2017. 154–71.   
Added by: Okwuchi Mba   Last edited by: joachim 4/19/21, 12:07 PM
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