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Cuntz, Michael. "Paris au pluriel: Depictions of the French Capital in Jacques Tardi’s Comic Book Writing." Comics and the City. Urban Space in Print, Picture and Sequence. Eds. Jörn Ahrens and Arno Meteling. London, New York: Continuum, 2010. 101–16.   
Added by: joachim 3/24/10, 11:54 PM
Finet, Nicolas and Jacques Tardi. Le livre d’Adèle. Tournai: Casterman, 2010.   
Added by: joachim 11/10/11, 11:08 AM
Gilleir, Anke. "“Et il n’y eut plus d’espoir”: On Fiction and History in Jacques Tardi’s Les Aventures Extraordinaire d’Adèle Blanc-Sec." The Graphic Novel. Ed. Jan Baetens. Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis. Series D: Litteraria. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, 2001. 91–99.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/9/15, 3:06 PM
Heydenreich, Clemens. "Spirale der Kopfgeburten: Tardis Adele und die Phantastik." Reddition 27. (2010): 32–37.   
Added by: joachim 12/19/12, 12:10 AM
Laity, Kathryn A. "Construction of a “Female Hero”: Iconography in Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adele Blanc-Sec." International Journal of Comic Art 4. (2002): 163–69.   
Added by: Deleted user   Last edited by: joachim 7/13/11, 10:05 AM
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