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Dolle-Weinkauff, Bernd. "Astro Boy, Battle Angel Alita und Video-Girl Ai: Zukunftsvisionen im Comic zwischen Alltag und Katastrophe." Anderswelten in Serie. Dokumentation einer Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Tutzing in Kooperation mit der AVJ – Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Jugendbuchverlagen e.V. vom 21. bis 23. Juni 2002. Eds. Roswitha Terlinden and Hans-Heino Ewers. Tutzinger Materialien. Tutzing: Evangelische Akad. Tutzing, 2003. 73–100.   
Added by: joachim 10/22/12, 7:52 PM
Fischer, Susanna. "Astro Boy – Vorbild der japanischen Roboter-Forschung? Von Sena Hideakis Kurzgeschichte Atomu no Ko zum öffentlichen Diskurs der Frage." Magisterarbeit M.A. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. 2010.   
Added by: joachim 11/11/11, 12:10 AM
Gibson, Alicia. "Astro Boy and the Atomic Age." Anime and Philosophy. Wide Eyed Wonder. Eds. Josef Steiff and Tristan D. Tamplin. Popular Culture and Philosophy. Chicago: Open Court, 2010. 181–91.   
Added by: joachim 7/13/11, 8:41 PM
Ito, Kenji. "Robots, A-Bombs, and War: Cultural Meanings of Science and Technology in Japan Around World War II." Filling the Hole in the Nuclear Future. Art and Popular Culture Respond to the Bomb. Ed. Robert Jacobs. Asia World. Lanham [etc.]: Lexington, 2010. 63–97.   
Added by: joachim 9/16/10, 12:28 PM
Ladd, Fred. Astro Boy and Anime Come to the Americas: An Insider’s View of the Birth of a Pop Culture Phenomenon. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2009.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/14/11, 10:49 AM
Ndalianis, Angela. "The Frenzy of the Visible in Comic Book Worlds." Animation 4. (2009): 237–48.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/5/23, 12:57 PM
Ōtsuka, Eiji. "Disarming Atom: Tezuka Osamu's Manga at War and Peace." Mechademia 3. (2008): 111–25.   
Added by: Deleted user   Last edited by: joachim 5/15/10, 1:42 PM
Penney, Matthew. "Nationalism and Anti-Americanism in Japan – Manga Wars, Aso, Tamogami, and Progressive Alternatives." The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 7. 17 2009. Accessed 12Aug. 2009. <>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/31/11, 9:39 AM
Schodt, Frederik L. The Astro Boy Essays: Osamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, and the Manga/Anime Revolution. Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 2007.   
Added by: joachim 10/31/11, 11:43 AM
Thielemann, Martina. "Roboterbilder im Wandel: Von »Tetsuwan Atomu« bis »Chobittsu«. Analyse anhand von drei repräsentativen Roboterfiguren." Magisterarbeit M.A. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. 2009.   
Added by: joachim 11/11/11, 12:31 AM
Yomota, Inuhiko. "Stigmata in Tezuka Osamu's Works." Mechademia 3. (2008): 97–109.   
Added by: Deleted user   Last edited by: joachim 5/15/10, 1:35 PM
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