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Clancy, Shaun. "A great friendship: An interview with friend and artist Frank Giusto." Matt Baker. The Art of Glamour. Eds. Jim Amash and Eric Nolen-Weathington. Raleigh: TwoMorrows, 2012. 122–35.   
Added by: joachim 5/5/16, 10:54 PM
Clancy, Shaun. "Sidebar: Elizabeth Waller on It Rhymes with Lust." Matt Baker. The Art of Glamour. Eds. Jim Amash and Eric Nolen-Weathington. Raleigh: TwoMorrows, 2012. 52.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/6/16, 11:29 AM
Clancy, Shaun and Dan O’Brien. "The best man for the job: Interviews and correspondence with Ray Osrin." Matt Baker. The Art of Glamour. Raleigh: TwoMorrows, 2012. 136–51.   
Added by: joachim 5/6/16, 11:22 AM
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