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Abrams, Nathan. "A Secular Talmud: The Jewish Sensibility of Mad Magazine." Studies in American Humor (2014): 111–22.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/24/17, 9:53 AM
Brooker, Will. "Containing Batman: Rereading Fredric Wertham and the Comics of the 1950s." Containing America. Cultural Production and Consumption in 50s America. Eds. Nathan Abrams and Julie Hughes. Birmingham: Univ. of Birmingham Press, 2000. 151–67.   
Added by: joachim 5/21/14, 7:25 AM
Lambert, Emma. "‘Don’t fight it. You can’t whip Mickey Mouse’: Disneyland’s America 1955–59." Containing America. Cultural Production and Consumption in 50s America. Eds. Nathan Abrams and Julie Hughes. Birmingham: Univ. of Birmingham Press, 2000. 29–48.   
Added by: joachim 5/21/14, 8:43 PM
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