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Porcelli, Stefania. "In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Art Spiegelman’s Representation of Trauma in the Comic-Book Form." Translating America. The Circulation of Narratives, Commodities, and Ideas between Italy, Europe, and the United States. Eds. Marina Camboni, et al. Transatlantic Aesthetics and Culture. Bern [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2011. 199–216.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/8/11, 1:52 PM
Rossi, Umberto. "The Difficult Art of the Remake: Jonathan Lethem’s Omega the Unknown." Translating America. Importing, Translating, Misrepresenting, Mythicizing, Communicating America. Eds. Marina Camboni, Andrea Carosso and Sonia Di Loreto. Torino: Otto, 2010. 368–77.   
Added by: joachim 2/18/13, 3:20 AM
Simonetti, Paolo. "Translating a Book Into … Another Book? Graphic Novels Between Comics and Literature." Translating America. Importing, Translating, Misrepresenting, Mythicizing, Communicating America. Eds. Marina Camboni, Andrea Carosso and Sonia Di Loreto. Torino: Otto, 2010. 378–85.   
Added by: joachim 12/2/14, 6:37 PM
Simonetti, Paolo. "Translating Comics into Literature and Vice Versa: Intersections between Comics and Non-Graphic Narratives in the United States." Translating America. The Circulation of Narratives, Commodities, and Ideas between Italy, Europe, and the United States. Eds. Marina Camboni, et al. Transatlantic Aesthetics and Culture. Bern [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2011. 217–38.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/8/11, 2:06 PM
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