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Ribbens, Kees. "World War II in European Comics: National Representations of Global Conflict in Popular Historical Culture." International Journal of Comic Art 12. (2010): 1–33.   
Added by: joachim 6/25/11, 10:27 AM
Ribbens, Kees. "The First World War in Bande dessinée Scholarship." European Comic Art 4. (2011): 239–44.   
Added by: joachim 7/4/12, 11:34 PM
Ribbens, Kees. "Picturing anti-Semitism in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands: Anti-Jewish stereotyping in a racist Second World War comic strip." Journal of Modern Jewish studies 17. (2018): 8–23.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/31/19, 3:24 PM
Ribbens, Kees. "War comics beyond the battlefield: Anne Frank’s transnational representation in sequential art." Comics Worlds and the World of Comics. Towards Scholarship on a Global Scale. Ed. Jaqueline Berndt. Global Manga Studies. Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, Kyoto Seika University, 2010. 219–33.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/20/18, 12:18 PM
Ribbens, Kees. "The Invisible Jews in August Froehlich’s “Nazi Death Parade” (1944): An Early American Sequential Narrative Attempt to Visualize the Final Stages of the Holocaust." Beyond MAUS. The Legacy of Holocaust Comics. Eds. Ole Frahm, Hans-Joachim Hahn and Markus Streb. Schriften des Centrums für Jüdische Studien. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau, 2021. 133–65.   
Added by: joachim 10/20/22, 11:56 AM
Ribbens, Kees. "Die Darstellung des Zweiten Weltkriegs in europäischen Comics: Eine Fallstudie populärer Geschichtskultur." History Goes Pop. Zur Repräsentation von Geschichte in populären Medien und Genres. Eds. Barbara Korte and Sylvia Paletschek. Historische Lebenswelten in populären Wissenskulturen/History in Popular Cultures. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2009. 121–45.   
Added by: joachim 4/27/11, 9:30 AM
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