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Venezia, Tony. "Archives, Alan Moore, and the Historio-Graphic Novel." International Journal of Comic Art 12. (2010): 183–99.   
Added by: joachim 11/10/10, 2:49 AM
Venezia, Tony. "The Guy from H.O.P.P.E.R.S. – An einterview [sic] with Jaime Hernandez." The Frivolous Now 2010. Accessed 27Sep. 2022. <https://frivolousnow.wo ... with-jaime-hernandez-6/>.   
Added by: joachim 9/27/22, 8:15 PM
Venezia, Tony. "From Akira to Žižek: Comics and contemporary cultural theory." Studies in Comics 3. (2012): 185–89.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/30/13, 10:56 AM
Venezia, Tony. "Interview with Karrie Fransman." Studies in Comics 3. (2012).   
Added by: joachim 6/13/13, 12:14 AM
Venezia, Tony. "Seduction of the Innocent: V for Vendetta as Gothic (Graphic) Novel." Gothic Bastards. Genre, Innovation and Contemporary Fictions. Eds. Fred Botting and Catherine Spooner. Manchester, New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 2015.   
Added by: joachim 8/4/14, 5:19 PM
Venezia, Tony. "10th April, 1999, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square: Snakes and Ladders, Occult Cartography and Radical Nostalgia." Comic Book Geographies. Ed. Jason Dittmer. Media Geography at Mainz. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2014. 41–58.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/27/14, 9:42 AM
Venezia, Tony. "‘Soap opera of the paranormal’: Surreal Englishness and postimperial Gothic in The Bojeffries Saga." Alan Moore and the Gothic Tradition. Ed. Matthew J. A. Green. Manchester, New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 2013. 21–41.   
Added by: joachim 6/22/14, 11:28 AM
Venezia, Tony. "Big Numbers, Small Moments." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 24–26.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/21/13, 12:10 AM
Venezia, Tony. "California Gothic: Jaime Hernandez’s Ghost of Hoppers." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 166–69.   
Added by: joachim 9/27/22, 5:22 PM
Venezia, Tony. "Edited City: London Passagenwerk." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 86–89.   
Added by: joachim 1/8/13, 7:43 PM
Venezia, Tony. "Ghost World[s] and Non-Places." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 58–60.   
Added by: joachim 12/29/12, 12:44 PM
Venezia, Tony. "Harvey Pekar’s Anti-epiphanic Everyday." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 142–45.   
Added by: joachim 9/27/22, 5:20 PM
Venezia, Tony. "“He do the police in different voices”: Martin Rowson’s Pulp Modernism." The Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship. Year One. Ed. Ernesto F. Priego Ramirez. London: The Comics Grid Digital First Editions, 2012. 106–09.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/1/22, 3:27 PM
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