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Edwards, Janis L. "Wee George and the Seven Dwarfs: Caricature and Metaphor in Campaign ’88 Cartoons." Inks 2. (1995): 26–34.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/1/13, 6:15 PM
Edwards, Janis L. "Drawing Politics in Pink and Blue." PS: Political Science and Politics 40. (2007): 249–53.   
Added by: joachim 9/21/13, 10:36 PM
Edwards, Janis L. "Visualizing the Face of Domestic Terrorism in Editorial Cartoons: Transforming a Stereotype." International Journal of Comic Art 10. (2008): 420–32.   
Added by: Deleted user 9/4/09, 1:53 PM
Edwards, Janis L. and Carol K. Winkler. "Representative form and the visual ideograph: The Iwo Jima image in editorial cartoons." Quarterly Journal of Speech 83. (1997): 289–310.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/23/17, 8:00 PM
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