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Jung, Thomas. "Pop-Icon Adolf Hitler: Hitler-Comics and Collective Memory in Contemporary Germany." Unmasking Hitler. Cultural Representations of Hitler from the Weimar Republic to the Present. Eds. Klaus L. Berghahn and Jost Hermand. German Life and Civilization. 2005. 237–57.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/26/11, 4:02 PM
Richter, Gerhard. "Holocaust und Katzenjammer: Lektüreprotokolle zu Art Spiegelmans Comic Maus." Kulturelle Repräsentationen des Holocaust in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten. Eds. Klaus L. Berghahn, Jürgen Fohrmann and Helmut J. Schneider. German Life and Civilization. New York [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2002. 111–45.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/11/11, 8:08 PM
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