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Wong, Wendy Siuyi and Lisa M. Cuklanz. "The Emerging Image of the Modern Woman in Hong Kong Comics of the 1960s & 1970s." International Journal of Comic Art 2. (2000): 33–53.   
Added by: Deleted user 8/4/09, 11:14 AM
Wong, Wendy Siuyi and Lisa M. Cuklanz. "Critiques of Gender Ideology in Hong Kong Comic Arts, 1966–1999." Journal of Gender Studies 11. (2002): 253–266.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/25/11, 9:43 AM
Wong, Wendy Siuyi and Lisa M. Cuklanz. "Humor and Gender Politics: A Textual Analysis of the First Feminist Comic in Hong Kong." Comics & Ideology. Eds. Matthew P. McAllister, Edward H. Sewell, Jr. and Ian Gordon. Popular Culture and Everyday Life. 2001. 69–97.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/18/11, 1:02 AM
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