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Brunner, Edward. "“This Job is a Solid Killer”: Oliver Harrington’s Jive Gray and the African American Adventure Strip." Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 6. (2005): 36–57.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 1/29/13, 12:30 AM
Brunner, Edward. "Death and the Maiden: Milton Caniff’s Pre-War Anti-Elegiac War Elegy." International Journal of Comic Art 8. (2006): 174–96.   
Added by: Deleted user   Last edited by: joachim 9/26/11, 6:28 PM
Brunner, Edward. "Red Funnies: The New York Daily Worker’s “Popular Front” Comics, 1936–1945." American Periodicals 17. (2007): 184–207.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/12/13, 7:28 PM
Brunner, Edward. "“Shuh! Ain’t Nothin’ To It”: The Dynamics of Success in Jackie Ormes’s Torchy Brown." Melus 32. (2007): 23–49.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/10/19, 11:54 AM
Brunner, Edward. "The Comics as Outsider’s Text: Teaching R. Crumb and Underground Comix." Teaching the Graphic Novel. Ed. Stephen E. Tabachnick. Options for Teaching. New York: The Modern Language Assoc. of America, 2009. 137–46.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/24/19, 6:09 PM
Williams, Frederick and Edward Brunner. "Eliot with an Epic, Rowson with a Comic: Recycling Foundational Narratives." Son of Classics and Comics. Eds. George Kovacs and C. W. Marshall. Classical Presences. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2016. 179–99.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/19/20, 10:21 AM
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