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Fernández, Laura Cristina, Amadeo Gandolfo, and Pablo Turnes, eds. Burning Down the House: Latin American Comics in the 21st Century. New Delhi: Routledge, 2022.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/23/23, 3:03 PM
Gandolfo, Amadeo. "Relaunching in the age of the author: The Dreaming and Doom Patrol." Leaves 11 2021. Accessed 14Jan. 2021. <https://climas.u-bordea ... -patrol-amadeo-gandolfo>.   
Added by: joachim 1/15/21, 12:03 AM
Gandolfo, Amadeo. "Do The Collapse: Final Crisis and the Impossible Coherence of the Superhero Crossover." Closure. Kieler e-Journal für Comicforschung 9. (2023): 96–117.   
Added by: Jana Schuster 2/5/25, 2:37 PM
Gandolfo, Amadeo and Pablo Turnes. "Alcatena’s Malón: National Identity and Cultural Work in the American Comics Industry." International Journal of Comic Art 20. (2018): 204–28.   
Added by: Okwuchi Mba   Last edited by: joachim 4/5/21, 3:30 PM
Gandolfo, Amadeo and Pablo Turnes. "Memoria, Archivos y Ausencias en Dora de Ignacio Minaverry." Transposition, Migration und KörperGrenzen in der Romania. Eds. Mariana Maia Simoni, Berit Callsen and Jasmin Wrobel. Romania Viva. Berlin [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2024. 167–90.   
Added by: joachim 10/7/24, 1:28 PM
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