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Adams, Kenneth A. "Love American Style: II. “Octopoid” Genitality and the Medusal Madonna." Journal of Psychohistory 10. (1983): 409–62.   
Added by: joachim 6/20/13, 4:01 PM
Adams, Kenneth Alan and Lester Hill, Jr. "The Phallic Female in Japanese Group-Fantasies." Journal of Psychohistory 25. (1997): 2–31.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/24/19, 4:58 PM
Adams, Kenneth Alan and Lester Hill, Jr. "Castration Anxiety in Japanese Group-Fantasies." Journal of Psychohistory 26. (1999): 779–809.   
Added by: joachim 8/23/09, 1:13 AM
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