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Borchert, Angela. "Die Produktion von Karikatur in der Karikatur: Zeichnungs-, Schreib- und Druckszenen in französischen und deutschen illustrierten Satire-Journalen (1830–1848)." Colloquia Germanica 49. (2016): 201–34.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/3/23, 2:53 PM
Bridges, Elizabeth. "Schiller Reading Comics: The Aesthetics of Nostalgia and the Wende-Narrative in Contemporary Graphic Novels." Colloquia Germanica 48. (2015): 343–56.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/3/23, 4:06 PM
Kraft, Helga. "Kafka in Comics: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Moritz Stetters Das Urteil." Colloquia Germanica 48. (2015): 293–315.   
Added by: joachim 5/3/23, 4:09 PM
Kutch, Lynn Marie and Damianos Grammatikopoulos. "Intertextual References in Eickmeyer’s Im Westen nichts Neues: Eine Graphic Novel." Colloquia Germanica 48. (2015): 267–91.   
Added by: joachim 5/3/23, 4:50 PM
Rauchenbacher, Marina. "Opposing Viewpoints: Politics of Gazing in the Graphic Novel Gift." Colloquia Germanica 48. (2015): 245–65.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 2/25/19, 1:47 PM
Sterling, Brett. "“Ganz normale Deutsche”: Confronting the National Socialist Past in Barbara Yelin’s Irmina." Colloquia Germanica 48. (2015): 317–41.   
Added by: joachim 5/3/23, 4:56 PM
Sterling, Brett. "Introduction: The Intersection of Comics Studies and German Studies." Colloquia Germanica 48. (2015): 233–44.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/3/23, 4:59 PM
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