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Calvert, Sheena. "Materia Secunda, text-as-image." Book 2.0 1. (2011): 139–61.   
Added by: joachim 12/26/13, 3:15 PM
Sadokierski, Zoë. "Disturbing the text: Typographic devices in literary fiction." Book 2.0 1. (2011): 101–25.   
Added by: joachim 12/26/13, 3:32 PM
Smith, Jimmy. "Beyond Maus: The experimental comics of Art Spiegelman." Book 2.0 1. (2011): 47–56.   
Added by: joachim 12/26/13, 2:42 PM
WIKINDX 6.10.2 | Total resources: 14751 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: Modern Language Association (MLA)