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Kaur, Raminder and Saif Eqbal. "Gendering Graphics in Indian Superhero Comic Books and Some Notes for Provincializing Cultural Studies." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 12. (2015): 367–96.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 9/7/16, 8:19 AM
Shugart, Helene. "Supermarginal." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6. (2009): 98–102.   
Added by: joachim 5/29/12, 12:32 PM
Stabile, Carol A. "“Sweetheart, This Ain’t Gender Studies”: Sexism and Superheroes." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6. (2009): 86–92.   
Added by: joachim 5/29/12, 12:23 PM
Treat, Shaun. "How America Learned to Stop Worrying and Cynically ENJOY! The Post-9/11 Superhero Zeitgeist." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6. (2009): 103–09.   
Added by: joachim 5/29/12, 12:36 PM
Wanzo, Rebecca. "The Superhero: Meditations on Surveillance, Salvation, and Desire." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6. (2009): 93–97.   
Added by: joachim 5/29/12, 12:30 PM
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