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Irwin, Virginia. "The Man Who Draws Prince Valiant." The Definitive Prince Valiant Companion. Ed. Brian M. Kane. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2009. 99–101.   
Added by: joachim 1/21/11, 5:48 PM
Kane, Brian M. "From Prizefighters to Princes: The Classic Art of John Cullen Murphy." The Definitive Prince Valiant Companion. Ed. Brian M. Kane. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2009. 131–42.   
Added by: joachim 1/21/11, 5:57 PM
Kane, Brian M. "Of Mead, Whiskey, and Brandywine: The Artistic Bloodline of Prince Valiant." The Definitive Prince Valiant Companion. Ed. Brian M. Kane. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2009. 89–97.   
Added by: joachim 12/6/09, 11:56 AM
Saba, Arn. "Hal Foster: Drawing Upon History." The Definitive Prince Valiant Companion. Ed. Brian M. Kane. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2009. 103–29.   
Added by: joachim 1/21/11, 5:53 PM
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