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Schildiner, Frank. "Hellboy, Nazis, Occult & Weird Science." Right Hand of Doom. A Critical Study of Michael Mignola’s Hellboy. Ed. Benjamin Szumskij. Wild Cat, 2006. 
Added by: joachim (02/05/2022, 13:36)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Schildiner2006
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Hellboy", Horror, Mignola. Mike, Nazism, Sciences, USA
Creators: Schildiner, Szumskij
Publisher: Wild Cat
Collection: Right Hand of Doom. A Critical Study of Michael Mignola’s Hellboy
Views: 38/635
Attachments   URLs   https://thepulpcol ... ank-schildner.html
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